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line of credit -Svensk översättning - Linguee

Nézd meg! Jun 23, 2020 Credit lines can be revolving or non-revolving and may require the borrower to provide collateral to secure the loan. Unlike a traditional loan,  Mar 10, 2021 A line of credit, or credit line, is a preset amount of money that a bank has agreed to lend you and that you can draw on when you need it. Många översatta exempelmeningar innehåller "line of credit" – Svensk-engelsk ordbok och sökmotor för svenska översättningar. Svensk översättning av 'line of credit' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. Svensk översättning av 'credit line' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online.

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(the maximum credit that a customer is allowed) line of credit; bank line; line; personal credit line; personal line of credit; credit line; (a line giving the  Snubblade över en youtube video där det förespråkades att använda sig av HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) för att kunna betala av sitt bolån betydligt  A template for the Classic editor that allows you to copy and paste image credits into your posts. This makes it easier to avoid typos. Remburssit. (L/C= Letter of Credit, D/C= Documentary Credits D/C). Rembursen är ett gammalt betalningsvillkor, som används både inom export och import.

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Line of credit svenska

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Line of credit svenska

Line of credit definition is - the maximum credit allowed a buyer or borrower; also : an agreement providing credit up to a certain amount. Line of Credit Interest Rates.

Cette marge de crédit n'a pas été utilisée en 2000. Amazon Business Line of Credit An Amazon Business Line of Credit is ideal for organizations looking to simplify their purchasing and reconciliation, without having to sacrifice the flexibility and control required to manage their business. So if you have a $10,000 credit line, you can draw upon $5,000 for a new home repair project when you need it, while still having $5,000 left on your line of credit. Betekenis van 'line of credit' inclusief synoniemen en voorbeeldzinnen.
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Guillaume de Baillou. Line engraving by J. Isac, 1635. Europeana

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line of credit - Swedish translation – Linguee

And they’re fast — you could get your funds just one business day after approval. It also offers a high maximum credit line of $100,000 — or $250,000 if you opt for a secured LOC. Contextual translation of "line of credit" into Swedish. Human translations with examples: svets, textrad, siktfält, synlinje, siktlinje, kreditram, visirlinje. execution of payment transactions through a credit card where the funds are covered by a credit line for a payment services user, including revolving credit, — consumer credit provided by retailers and store cards. 2018-11-02 · Titta På Line of Credit Svenskt Tal Stream 2014 Filmtyp : Drama, Kolonialism, Försoning, Fantasi.

Revenues remain largely unaffected by COVID-19. Svenska Handelsfastigheter's third-quarter report was in line with our expectations.